Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tweet like you've never tweeted before

Kicking around some ideas for marketing at work, and decided to practice on my site. So, I set up a Twitter page, which is supposedly the hottest thing since the fish taco and/or Argentinian Malbec.

Check it out at Here, you can make quick (in my case, likely stupid) comments. It will be a lot less wine-oriented, but we'll squeeze some in there. Tell me what your drinking, what Michael McDonald song you're listening to at the moment, how many times you've watched Predator, etc.


  1. Best part about Twitter is that you can send stuff from your phone, like a text message.

  2. I like boobs and that is not a wine. MB

  3. I think you meant to write "you're" instead of "your" in "Tell me what your drinking"...sorry, this is the only comment I could think of.
    - Love, you're doting wife, Heather
